
Rifle Optics...only the very best is good enough!

At Roedale we only recomend Rifle Optics and Binoculars that we personaly have experience of using in the field or on the range. Our Recomended brands have proven time and time again to be ultra reliable, clear and ergonomic under the worst of conditions.

Where a scope, binocular or rangefinder is subjected to conditions in any part of the world, from the heat of the Arabian Desert or African Bushveld, to the humidity of Tropical Jungle or the freezing conditions of the Arctic, it has to perform 100%. Reliability, Durability and Clarity are paramount. Chosing the right Rifle Optic for the task in hand can literally mean the difference between life or death. When second best can mean death, seriouse injury or a ruined hunt with wounded game, only the very best optics are good enough to pass this test.

Several of our recomended models are currently in use with  Military and Police Organisations, as well as Special Forces around the world, other models are in daily use by Professional users of Firearms, who use thier Rifle and Observation Optics day in day out as part of thier job.  Whatever the end users profession, all have stringent requirements that are only fulfilled by the best. The  Optics that we recomend have earned their reputation by bieng the best under some of the most hostile, demanding conditions imaginable. To a Military Sniper or Police Marksman it means reliability that can save their lives or the lives of others. To a Game Hunter or Match Competitor, it means connecting with that "Buck of a Lifetime" or the difference between 1st place, or also competed.  To any shooter, it means precision, accuracy and repeatability with each and every shot. It means correct identification and the pleasure and ease of use that is only available with high grade optical equipment.